Podcast Feature: Full Sail Capital
A couple of weeks ago, Bailey was asked to be the first feature on Full Sail Capital’s podcast’s new entrepreneurial series, “At the Helm”.
“I was absolutely floored when Tyler T. Grubbs, AIF and Katherine Vanlandingham asked me to be on Full Sail Capital's podcast as their first guest in their new entrepreneur series. Me? An entrepreneur?! It's true, but it doesn't feel like I've been building a business when what I do fits so well with what I love and how I live.
I had the best time talking with Tyler and Katherine about all I've learned "At the Helm" so far. If you take time to listen, I hope you find some inspiration! Let me know what you think and if you've experienced some of the same things in your business!”
Go to this link: https://www.fullsailcapital.com/podcast/ and scroll to July 11, 2022, to hear more from Bailey!